今天看康熙來了講的是眷村生活, 馬汀不是生活在眷村, 但是節目中提到的童玩, 如嬰仔鏢, 打彈珠等等, 都是馬汀小時候玩過的東西。不過記憶比較深刻的是一個大姐姐教我們玩的的遊戲, 如跳房子, 報天空, 報拖鞋等等。
馬汀中和的家約有20年的屋齡, 我記得新屋一落成, 我們全家就搬進去了。那時還有好幾戶實際上還沒完工, 有些連門跟窗戶都還沒裝上。也不記得是什麼時候, 出現了一位大姐姐, 約莫二十出頭, 她就住在其中一戶, 一戶窗和門都還沒裝好的房子。每次去找她, 就看到一個空盪盪的房子, 在客廳的正中間舖著一塊草蓆, 那就是大姐姐睡覺的地方, 旁邊還有一些她的私人物品。
這位姐姐常和我們巷子的小孩玩在一起, 她教我們跳房子, 報天空和報拖鞋等等的遊戲。不過沒多久, 這位姐姐就搬走了。後來我才知道, 她並沒有房子的產權, 她只是趁房子還沒完工, 住戶還沒搬進來前, 偷偷進來住。小時候沒想那麼多, 也沒問這位姐姐家住那裡? 是一個人出來找工作嗎?
其實我覺得五六年級生是很幸運的, 因為我們目睹了台灣經濟的起飛但避過的戰爭的摧殘, 我們經驗了民歌時代的The age of innocence, 我們有滿滿的理想。
在波士頓的經濟系館有一位清潔工叫Maria, 她就像是我們的媽媽一樣, 雖然走路不太方便, 但是很細心的在維護系館辦公室的乾淨。Maria跟我說, 她再兩年就可以退休了, 她原本來自於葡萄牙, 一出生就經歷了戰火, 後來移民到美國一直在做勞力的工作, 現在她終於快退休了, 她要好好的休息一下。Maria在我畢業前不久退休, 才又隔一個暑假(還是寒假), 我就聽到Maria過世了。心理很難過, 為什麼有一些人的一生過得這麼幸苦, 好不容易可以放輕鬆, 生命就結束了。希望她在天國得到安息。
想一想, 我們出生的時間和地點是不是很不錯, 很幸運呢?
講到房子, 使我想到Judy Collins的歌 Houses, 歌詞很美, 但不容易翻成中文, 大家就將就點看看...(這首歌放在我的點播器的第二首, 很好聽喔!)
Houses, By Judy Collins.
You have many houses, one for every season
Mountains in your windows, violets in your hands
Thru your English meadows your blue-eyed horses wander
You're in Colorado for the Spring
When the Winter finds you, you fly to where it's summer
Rooms that face the ocean, moonlight on your bed
Mermaids swift as dolphins paint the air with diamonds
You are like a seagull as you said
Why do you fly bright feathered sometimes in my dreams?
The shadows of your wings fall over my face
I can feel no air, I can find no peace
Brides in black ribbons, witches in white
Fly in thru windows, fly out thru the night
Why do I think I'm dying sometimes in my dreams
I see myself a child running thru the trees
Searching for myself, looking for my life
Looking everywhere crawling on my knees
I cannot see the leaves, I cannot see the light
Then I see you walking just beyond the forest
Walking very quickly, walking by yourself
Your shoes are silver, your coat is made of velvet
Your eyes are shining, your voice is sweet and clear
"Come on" you say "come with me, I'm going to the castle"
All the bells are ringing, the weddings have begun
But I can only stand here-I cannot move to follow
I'm burning in the shadows and freezing in the sun
There are people with you living in your houses
People from your childhood who remember how you were
You were always flying, nightengale of sorry
Singing bird with rainbows on your wings
- May 31 Thu 2007 22:03
Houses by Judy Collins