
修道院的神父救贖了 Jean Valjean,Jean Valjean也因此信了天主,拋棄過去,改名換姓的開了一間磚廠,顧用了許多無依靠的勞工。在眾人的心中,他著實是個大好人。然而在一次意外中,他開除了未婚媽媽Fantine,因為在天主的信仰裡,未婚生子是一項罪,只是他沒想到,這一下子使得Fantine的獨生女Cossette失去經濟的支住。 

Fantine最後成了妓女,染上重病,Cossette眼看就要成為流浪兒,成為年輕時的另一個Jean Valjean靠偷麵包為生。Jean知道自己做了一項錯誤的決定,於是答應Fantine會好好的顧照Cossette。也在此時,警長Javert發現了Jean的通緝犯身份,Jean必須快速的離開。 


十五年後,法國正值革命動盪,熱血的革命青年Marius,在街頭向眾人說著革命的重要性時,婷婷玉立的Cossette正巧從旁邊經過,Marius的心從此就給了Cossette。命運捉弄人的是,Eponine此時卻只不過是一位蓬首垢面的小丫頭,整天跟在Marius左右,雖說也有革命熱血,但一切的一切都是為了心儀的Marius。不過Marius從來沒有愛過Eponine,Cossette的出現也讓Eponine明瞭,Marius永遠都不會屬於她,Eponine於是唱出了“On My Own”: 

And now I'm all alone again
Nowhere to go no one to turn to,
Did not want your money sir
I came out here coz i was told to
And now the night is near
Now I can make believe he's here.

Sometimes I walk alone at night
When everybody else is sleeping
I think of him and then I'm happy
With the company I'm keeping
The city goes to bed
And I can live inside my head.

On my own
Pretending he's beside me
All alone, I walk with him till morning
Without him
I feel his arms around me
And when I lose my way I close my eyes
And he has found me

In the rain the pavement shines like silver
All the lights are misty in the river
In the darkness, the trees are full of starlight
And all I see is him and me for ever and forever

And I know it's only in my mind
That I'm talking to myself and not to him
And although I know that he is blind
Still I say, there's a way for us

I love him
But when the night is over
He is gone, the river's just a river
Without him the world around me changes
The trees are bare and everywhere
The streets are full of strangers

I love him
But every day I'm learning
All my life I've only been pretending
Without me his world will go on turning
A world that's full of happiness
That I have never known!

I love him
I love him
I love him
But only on my own.

    創作者 sporemartin 的頭像

    馬汀大夫趴趴走 打造景福家

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